addhashtags 08/18/2024 Addhashtags extension seamlessly integrates with your social media platforms, automatically adding your pre-set hashtags to every post you create Failure Hunt 07/01/2024 Success. Money. Once you enter any social platform, you see a bunch of examples of great people who have already achieved all your dreams. That's why I created Failure Hunt — to show the world and myself that every successful story started with a failure (or even multiple failures) Poetronika 06/01/2024 Poetry generator that creates personalized poems for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and any others How to become a better developer? 05/02/2024 Sit back, relax, and take some notes on how to improve your skills. Dive Deep Books 03/31/2024 In the last 10 years, I have read 1000+ nonfiction books. And I would love to share the best ones with you. calm lofi theme for VSCode 12/23/2023 This VSCode theme is ideal for developers who appreciate a calm lofi coding atmosphere. 5 Life Lessons From My Cat 12/15/2023 I decided to take some notes about the lessons I learned from Randall. And share it with you. newspoetry 12/06/2023 This project uses the New York Times API, where it gets the latest news, processes it through OpenAI and makes a wonderful poem. How Much To Tip 10/15/2023 Add your bill amount and think about how you liked the experience at this place, and the app will help you to calculate tips. Easy. Yo, world 08/10/2023 "Yo, World!" looks cooler than "Hello, World!" Wanna Donut? 06/14/2023 I had some free time and decided to buy a donut and make it digital with adding some CSS magic. Lifemeter 05/12/2023 If you click a link, open another tab, or use any app, the Lifemeter starts over again. It exists as a web app and a Chrome extension.